COVID-19 Secure Policy

ETS COVID-19 Risk Assessment V3

COVID-19 Secure Policy Risk Assessment V3 Updated 01/11/2021

The safety of each child and staff who attends our centre is our highest priority. In line with the government recommendations, Educational Tutoring Services Ltd has undertaken a risk assessment and the following guidelines will be adhered to during business hours.

Face Masks

  • All staff must always wear a face mask.
  • Children over the age of 12 must wear masks when attending classes.

Social Distance and Hygiene

  • Only one child allowed per desk maintaining the social distance requirement.
  • Each class will operate in their own bubble.
  • All Tables and Door Handles will be disinfected at the end of every session (every 2 hours)
  • Upon arrival each child will need to sanitise their hands at the ‘Sanitisation Station’ in Zone One or Zone Two.
  • Every child must bring their own writing equipment and books (no sharing)
  • Children will not be allowed to move from their designated desk. Child must remain in their seats until parents collect them.
  • Child may visit toilets with permission and must use the soap and hand sanitiser provided.


  • Parents to drop off the child at the entrance of the centre. Please do not come in. There will be a staff member at the door.
  • Drop Off is a few minutes before the lesson starts.
  • If there are no designated seats for the child to sit, they will be requested to wait outside (or in the waiting area), until a child leaves the premises and a space becomes available.


  • Parents to collect the child at the entrance of the centre. Please do not come in. There will be a staff member at the door.
  • Collection is at 15 mins to the hour. Please arrive promptly so we can manage effectively.

Lesson Management

  • Each child to remain seated at their allocated desk in designated seats.
  • In line with our risk assessment the maximum children allowed on the premises at any one time (excluding 3 staff) are as follows:
  • Zone 1: 15 children
  • Zone 2: 8 children

Parents Obligations

  • Your child must not attend the centre if they have a temperature or flu like symptoms, even if it is very mild.

Management of a child who develops a cough or temperature during the lesson.

  • The child will be seated immediately in a self-isolating zone at the rear of the centre until collected by the parents (parent will be phoned).